Address Lookup API

(1 review)

How to use the API

The Address Lookup API can be used to troubleshoot problems with Chorus products.

The table below outlines how different parts of the Address Lookup API operate, and how each part can be used.

Address Lookup API Aspect How it works What it can be used for
Retrieve address matches Retrieves address matches for a given search term, using either autocomplete or fuzzy complete logic. The number of matched addresses can either be a fixed count or paginated. Search terms must be a minimum of 4 characters before the API tries to retrieve for matches. Allows you to incorporate a NZ postal address search engine within your application, such as in a web app, which could provide a free form text field where users can type and receive suggestions to complete their entry for every keystroke, in real-time.
Retrieve detailed address information Retrieves detailed address information, including: the structure of the address dissected into specific fields (e.g. street number, street name, suburb, region etc.), geo coordinates, unique location identifiers within Chorus (e.g. TLC, TUI, PLSAM and AID), and related address (e.g. a corner lot that could be ‘1 Abc Street’ but could also be ‘999 Xyz Street’, depending on which street you are on). Allows you to provide detailed address information to end users, potentially display a location pin on a map in your application using geo co-ordinates, and integrate with other Chorus APIs to retrieve further information for the specific address, such as Broadband availability.
